Snowmageddon in the South: A Deep Dive into the Texas Snow Storm of 2021
Please know, us Texans are not accustomed to this, we are lucky to see any snow, especially here in North East Texas.
This was the Great Texas Snow Storm 2021.
These events are from 2/14/2021 and 2/19/2021.
I haven’t seen this much snow since the 80’s. We have had snow here a few times over the years but nothing like this.
From what I heard from the local weather man, the temps that we are experiencing are historic and haven’t been this cold, well in our lifetime.
I would like to find out more on this, I have always had a big interest in weather.
The Great Texas Snow Storm 2021
I am (and these photos were taken) in North East Texas, between Dallas and Shreveport, LA.

Texas Snow Storm 2021 (2/15/21 – 2/16/21)
I ventured out early in the morning (the snow all fell during the night) and woke up to around 7 inches.
I know that doesn’t seem like a lot but for a location that rarely ever gets snow, it is.
The second storm dropped more ice than snow on top of it because and the temps were dangerously low (at least here in Texas), not to mention the wind chills.

The photo below was very early that morning where one of my small dogs didn’t care one bit, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go!

For the next few photos, they are to show you what the temps where on 2/14/2021 morning and the wind chills.
Also, the last photo shows you when then next storm arrived, Wednesday.

Oh my goodness, check out that wind chill below, way to cold for me or even Texas, period.

Texas Snow Storm 2021 (2/17/21 – 2/19/21)
On Wednesday the 17th, in my area, we had nothing but an ice storm.
After having 7 inches of snow on the ground from Sunday night, the ice just flattened the snow and made it very crunchy and easy to walk on.
Because of that, it was hard to make snow balls unless your broke it all up.
On 2/19/21, it finally got a little above freezing and the sun was shining.
Everything has started to melt (thank goodness) but its very messy out there.

The first couple of days we spent most of that time without power than we did with it.
Monday, the coldest night, was the night we spent with no power and even though we had a generator and a little buddy heater, we didn’t run it during the night to keep from using all of the gas and for safety while sleeping.
It never really got under about 50 in our home that night, but still very cold.
I don’t think I have ever been so cold in my life. We broke a record here in my area and that particular night we got down to -6 F, it was awful.

The next day, I build one of those clay pot heaters. I had a huge package of tealights that I had gotten not long before.
This little did put a lot of heat and was nice to sit by and keep my hands warm, I highly recommend making one if you ever need too.
I can’t say if it heated a whole room or not because our power would come on for a while and then go back off.

What is the worst or craziest snow storm you ever experienced in your area?
Please PIN graphic below for later
Snowmageddon – The Great Texas Snow Storm 2021

How do you make the clay pot heaters? I am glad you made it through all the snow
and cold temperatures.
Thank you. I used 3 big cement blocks, put one on the bottom and they other two on each end of the other. I didn’t have a round clay pot but I did have a rectangle one, lay it across the top (as a cover). I had big package of tea lights and placed a few at a time on the inside to burn. After awhile, it heats of the clay pot very well. I hope my instructions make sense ๐