DIY Coffee Can Bird Feeder Tutorial
Are you a lover of bird watching or just love having them in your yard? If so, you may be one that can’t get enough bird feeders going. Here is a DIY Coffee Can Bird Feeder to add to your yard.

DIY Coffee Can Bird Feeder – Supplies
- Coffee Can – I used a large one
- Can Opener
- Scissors
- Duck Tape
- Spray Paint
- Bird Seed

DIY Coffee Can Bird Feeder – Instructions
1. Clean and wash a coffee can, large or small.
2. With a can opener, open up and remove the bottom of the can.

3. Cut the lid in half.
4. Spray Paint the can and lid to your desired colors.

5. Place each piece of the lid on each end.
6. Decorate with duck tape if you choose. I put duck tape over each end where I placed the lid to keep it from coming off.

7. Wrap jute cord, wire or whatever you choose to hang it with.

8. Add Bird seed and hang outdoors.

DIY Coffee Can Bird Feeder
- Coffee Can - I used a large one
- Duck Tape
- Spray Paint
- Jute cord rope
- Bird Seed
- Scissors
- Can Opener
- Clean and wash a coffee can, large or small.
- With a can opener, open up and remove the bottom of the can.
- Cut the lid in half
- Paint the can and lid to your desired colors.
- Place each piece of the lid on each end
- Decorate with duck tape if you choose. I put duck over each end where I placed the lid to keep it from coming off.
- Wrap jute cord, wire or whatever you choose to hang it with.
- Add Bird seed and hang outdoors.