Fall Hobby Lobby Treasures

Do you love Hobby Lobby this time of year? I just have to show you my favorite Fall Hobby Lobby finds that I came across while I was wondering around in there recently.

I don’t go into Hobby Lobby a lot, I am more of a DT person, looking for things to make my own crafts but I do make a dash over there from time to time, it’s like a toy store for me, while I’m in there.

While I was in there, the Fall section always calls my name, its my favorite. Well, it’s not my only favorite, my other one is the Farmhouse style decor, I can stay there all day.

Favorite Fall Hobby Lobby Finds

My Favorite Fall Hobby Lobby Finds
My Favorite Fall Hobby Lobby Finds
My Favorite Fall Hobby Lobby Finds

The farm truck seems to be a favorite of many, including myself. These trucks are everywhere and I am considering decorating my house with them. The pumpkin also shown below has a Pumpkin Pie recipe on it, so cute.

My Favorite Fall Hobby Lobby Finds

I love decorating with mason jars and candle sticks and I just fell in love with these. I am pretty sure I can create my own. I just hope I can make them as cute as these.

My Favorite Fall Hobby Lobby Finds

Coffee lovers can never have to many coffee cups right, at least one for every season and holiday.

These cups are so cute and I’m thinking about heading back to get one, but so many to choose from.

My Favorite Fall Hobby Lobby Finds
My Favorite Fall Hobby Lobby Finds
My Favorite Fall Hobby Lobby Finds

I will tell you, I have never seen so many pumpkins in one store, There were tiny pumpkins and very large pumpkins, almost the size of my recliner.

My favorite pumpkins are the farmhouse style, buffalo checkered and galvanized.

My Favorite Fall Hobby Lobby Finds

For more craft fun, please follow me on Facebook and/or Pinterest and share with me your Fall favorites.

What are your Fall Hobby Lobby Finds?


My Favorite Fall Hobby Lobby Finds

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