Dollar Tree Easter Decor
Do you get excited like me when the stores start putting out their seasonal/holiday decor? Well, I got excited when I saw all the Dollar Tree Easter Decor going up.
There is always so many different things in the seasonal/holiday section that you can craft with BUT my favorite and always the first spot I run too is the big signs and and wall decor.
I took photos of all of the ones that my store had and let me tell you, the crafting possibilities are endless with these.
I grabbed a few of these items already but I will be going back soon and grabbing a few of each one to make a few things with different colors and styles.
Favorite Dollar Tree Easter Decor for Crafting

I grabbed a few of these eggs, they are a little bigger than what I wanted for the craft I am going to be doing but they will have to do.
I can think of so many things to make with them.
I really don’t like the sticks on them so I will more than likely remove them and use the sticks for another type of craft.

Grabbing lots of these rabbit heads because I can think of many different Easter crafts to make with them.
The crafting ideas are endless with these and of course with the wording signs attached to them. Do you have ideas also?
One idea I have with them is to remove the rabbit head from the words and glue them to a large piece of wood and add bows and and other Easter crafts items.

These little rabbit tails are too cute, not sure I would want to mess them up.
Maybe just add a few little things to it to give it a totally different look. What do you think?

The first thing I thought of when I saw this sign (above), was to pull each piece apart, including removing the rabbit, and apply each piece to a large piece of wood and put it on the porch.
I will of course add a few extra personal touches to it for my own unique look.
Not sure if you can tell but I love to take things like this and add them to bigger pieces of wood, did you catch onto that ha ha!

I think this item is everyone’s favorite, no matter what time of year.
I love the farmhouse style in my home so this truck is always one of my favorites to decorate with.
I haven’t decided how I want to craft it for my home but I am sure something will come to mind.

These large Easter signs are very cute on their own, not sure how I would change them up but I probably will change a few things.
The bow for sure will be replaced as I love making my own for all my crafts.
With that being said, along with these Dollar Tree Easter decor items, my other favorite is all the ribbon.
You can never have to much ribbon, so make sure to grab lots of colors and some burlap too.
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Also, if you have any crafty ideas or have made something out of any of these items, please visit me over on my Facebook page and share them with us.

Be sure to check our more Dollar Tree Crafts here!

It would be nice to see what you actually did with each item. What the final project looks like. Am I missing that somewhere?
This is just a post showing you some awesome things at DT for Easter crafting.